Front-End Developer

"Good coffee + Pop music = beautiful Code."

Hello, I'm Kevin Karma.

Dedicated and skilled Front End Developer with over 3 years of experience in creating and maintaining web applications. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Liquid, and ReactJS, I've successfully customized ecommerce platforms, integrated subscription features, and played an active role in cross-functional teams.

web icon


  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Liquid
  • React
  • DevTool

mobile icon


  • React Native
  • Expo
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Figma
  • Android Studio

Interest icon


  • Figma
  • Jira
  • Git
  • VS Code
  • VWO
  • CLI

My Recent Work

Few of my projects. Want to see more, visit github


No more spreadsheets, OpTracker organize your jobs with a beautiful user interface. Designed to make job search fun by representing each job in colorful cards. Developed ruby-on-rails backend to store user’s information


Developed the app using React native to simplify the process of tracking product/item and ability to deploy on iOS or Android platforms. Implemented scanner to save time when searching on inventory items by 50%.


Designed a distinctive user interface utilizing custom CSS and HTML. Utilized recipe API’s to pull and parse data on recipe details such as recipe steps, ingredient lists, and equipment needed.

Maze Game

Developed grid base single-page JavaScript Maze game. Implemented custom design using CSS and HTML for excellent UX/UI. Utilized Ruby on Rails to store player information